Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Holy moly deliciousness!!

This counts as 1, just ONE, MF meal. And it is delicious!!!

An instagram/medifast friend of mine (angelgurl798) asked today for a bread recipe using the MF tomato soup and I immediately googled it. Seriously? WAS there such a thing?? I love the tomato soup and was totally intrigued so I went to google to find the answer for us both.
I was so happy when I stumbled upon simplyflabuloss.blogspot.com with a recipe.
Tonight I decided to re-create it.

- 1 MF Cream of Tomato Soup Mix
- 2 T water
- 1/4 baking powder
- garlic powder to taste
- rosemary
- basil

Mix all together and spoon onto a parchment lined cookie sheet. Flatten it as thin as you'd like and bake in a 425 degree oven. Bake for 3-5 minutes and then flip, baking the other side just as long. (oven times vary on oven and altitude)

Enjoy plain, or add anything (on plan) to it.

Make sure that if you are adding ingredients, that you subtract from your L&G, condiments, or healthy fats.


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