I took my MF Tomato soup 'bread' recipe from my previous post and added a thin layer of Laughing Cow Light Swiss and a small amount of a tuna mixture to the top.
I am counting this as my last MF meal and am deducting the healthy fat, lean, and condiment from my daily intake.
This meal is going to be a favorite!!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Holy moly deliciousness!!
This counts as 1, just ONE, MF meal. And it is delicious!!!
An instagram/medifast friend of mine (angelgurl798) asked today for a bread recipe using the MF tomato soup and I immediately googled it. Seriously? WAS there such a thing?? I love the tomato soup and was totally intrigued so I went to google to find the answer for us both.
I was so happy when I stumbled upon simplyflabuloss.blogspot.com with a recipe.
Tonight I decided to re-create it.
- 1 MF Cream of Tomato Soup Mix
- 2 T water
- 1/4 baking powder
- garlic powder to taste
- rosemary
- basil
Mix all together and spoon onto a parchment lined cookie sheet. Flatten it as thin as you'd like and bake in a 425 degree oven. Bake for 3-5 minutes and then flip, baking the other side just as long. (oven times vary on oven and altitude)
Enjoy plain, or add anything (on plan) to it.
Make sure that if you are adding ingredients, that you subtract from your L&G, condiments, or healthy fats.
An instagram/medifast friend of mine (angelgurl798) asked today for a bread recipe using the MF tomato soup and I immediately googled it. Seriously? WAS there such a thing?? I love the tomato soup and was totally intrigued so I went to google to find the answer for us both.
I was so happy when I stumbled upon simplyflabuloss.blogspot.com with a recipe.
Tonight I decided to re-create it.
- 1 MF Cream of Tomato Soup Mix
- 2 T water
- 1/4 baking powder
- garlic powder to taste
- rosemary
- basil
Mix all together and spoon onto a parchment lined cookie sheet. Flatten it as thin as you'd like and bake in a 425 degree oven. Bake for 3-5 minutes and then flip, baking the other side just as long. (oven times vary on oven and altitude)
Enjoy plain, or add anything (on plan) to it.
Make sure that if you are adding ingredients, that you subtract from your L&G, condiments, or healthy fats.
eating healthy,
healthy eating,
medifast meals,
take shape for life,
Sandy Sandy
Welcome to Week 7
It's quite hard to believe that today is the start of week 7.
I still weigh the same as I did at the start of week 5.
I'm still frustrated.
But, I'm still sticking with it.
Hopefully at the start of week 8 I'll weigh less.
I still weigh the same as I did at the start of week 5.
I'm still frustrated.
But, I'm still sticking with it.
Hopefully at the start of week 8 I'll weigh less.
Friend Makin' Mondays
I saw this on a blog that I read and thought that I'd give it a try!
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
1. Brag about some of your daily, healthy habits. I drink a lot of water. And by a lot, I mean.... a LOT! Sometimes close to 2 gallons. And I never drink soda. I also eat 6 times a day because of being on medifast.
2. Do you track your daily food intake? If so, how? I do sometimes. Not really because I just make sure I am eating my 5 medifast meals and my 1 lean and green meal. I do have an alarm on my phone set to go off every 2 1/2 hours to remember to eat my meal.
3. What do you want to change most about your daily routine? Being lazy right after work. Instead of going home and laying around watching TV (which in turn causes me to get bored and hungry) I would like to find an activity to do a couple times a week, and then make sure I am cleaning my house as well. Summers are harder for me to be active because of the heat, and my daughter is with her dad and my boyfriend works late. I get bored!
4. How often do you exercise? Not that often. But that will be changing this week! I'm going to start out with 2 days a week and gradually add days every week.
5. How do you stay on track when you’re on the go? I make sure to have bottles of water on me and my medifast meals.
6. What’s one excuse you use that prevents you from reaching your goals? That I'm too tired to exercise or it's too hot outside. Or, it's been a long and exhausting day- I deserve that alcoholic beverage.
7. What scares your most about your journey? Giving up. I don't want to quit. I hate that I have quit so many diets. But, I don't consider this one as a 'diet'. It's a new way of life. I am training my mind and body to be healthier. The other thing I am scared about is not ever getting to the point of feeling 'thin'.
8. What do you think will change most when you reach your goal? (If you have reached it, what’s different?) I am hoping my body image. I can already feel myself feeling slightly more confident even after losing the first 15 pounds. Imagine how I'll feel once I'm at my goal!!
9. What motivates you to reach your goals? The fact that I will be turning 30 in a few short months. Also, my daughter and my boyfriend. There will be a wedding coming up (eventually) and I want to look super sexy in my wedding photos. I am excited to wear clothes that I used to do and to just feel good naked!
10. Share a few of your goals. Uhmmm, I want to lose at least 50 pounds by my 30th birthday. I want to be able to do a Dirty Dash with my family next summer. I can't wait until I am able to fit in to some of my pants/skirts/shorts from 9 years ago. I want to be able to swim 3 days a week. That's just a few...
What about you? Join FMM!!
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
Goals and More
1. Brag about some of your daily, healthy habits. I drink a lot of water. And by a lot, I mean.... a LOT! Sometimes close to 2 gallons. And I never drink soda. I also eat 6 times a day because of being on medifast.
2. Do you track your daily food intake? If so, how? I do sometimes. Not really because I just make sure I am eating my 5 medifast meals and my 1 lean and green meal. I do have an alarm on my phone set to go off every 2 1/2 hours to remember to eat my meal.
3. What do you want to change most about your daily routine? Being lazy right after work. Instead of going home and laying around watching TV (which in turn causes me to get bored and hungry) I would like to find an activity to do a couple times a week, and then make sure I am cleaning my house as well. Summers are harder for me to be active because of the heat, and my daughter is with her dad and my boyfriend works late. I get bored!
4. How often do you exercise? Not that often. But that will be changing this week! I'm going to start out with 2 days a week and gradually add days every week.
5. How do you stay on track when you’re on the go? I make sure to have bottles of water on me and my medifast meals.
6. What’s one excuse you use that prevents you from reaching your goals? That I'm too tired to exercise or it's too hot outside. Or, it's been a long and exhausting day- I deserve that alcoholic beverage.
7. What scares your most about your journey? Giving up. I don't want to quit. I hate that I have quit so many diets. But, I don't consider this one as a 'diet'. It's a new way of life. I am training my mind and body to be healthier. The other thing I am scared about is not ever getting to the point of feeling 'thin'.
8. What do you think will change most when you reach your goal? (If you have reached it, what’s different?) I am hoping my body image. I can already feel myself feeling slightly more confident even after losing the first 15 pounds. Imagine how I'll feel once I'm at my goal!!
9. What motivates you to reach your goals? The fact that I will be turning 30 in a few short months. Also, my daughter and my boyfriend. There will be a wedding coming up (eventually) and I want to look super sexy in my wedding photos. I am excited to wear clothes that I used to do and to just feel good naked!
10. Share a few of your goals. Uhmmm, I want to lose at least 50 pounds by my 30th birthday. I want to be able to do a Dirty Dash with my family next summer. I can't wait until I am able to fit in to some of my pants/skirts/shorts from 9 years ago. I want to be able to swim 3 days a week. That's just a few...
What about you? Join FMM!!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Week 6 Day 3
I know I haven't posted much of an update in awhile. The reason being is because I have stopped weighing and measuring myself.
I was getting so frustrated with my scale not moving. Or moving and then going back up. So I decided to just stop.
No, not stop the diet- I am still going strong. I just don't want to feel tied to the scale.
I still hop on it from time to time, but I am enjoying doing it this way much more.
I know I am still losing because of the way my clothes fit, and because of the way I am feeling.
When I do decide to hop on that darned scale again, I'll be sure to let you know!!
I was getting so frustrated with my scale not moving. Or moving and then going back up. So I decided to just stop.
No, not stop the diet- I am still going strong. I just don't want to feel tied to the scale.
I still hop on it from time to time, but I am enjoying doing it this way much more.
I know I am still losing because of the way my clothes fit, and because of the way I am feeling.
When I do decide to hop on that darned scale again, I'll be sure to let you know!!
Tasty Dish: Baked Cauliflower Florets
I saw a recipe for baked cauliflower florets somewhere. I can't remember if it was on someone elses blog, or pinterest. But, last night I was determined re-create it for my 'green'.
They were so yummy! The lady who orginally posted the recipe (I wish I could remember where I found it so that I could give her credit!), said they tasted a lot like french fries. And I agree. Sure, they still have that cauliflower-y taste, but they were scrumptious!
How to make:
-Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees.
- Break up a head of cauliflower, cut off as much of the stem as you can, and cut/break them into bite sized pieces.
- In a small bowl combine olive oil, salt, and pepper. (you could also use other spices to make them taste differently)
- Coat the cauliflower pieces in the oil mixture and place on a parchment paper covered cookie sheet.
- Bake for 1 hour, turning the pieces about 3 times during that hour so that they are brown and crispy on each side.
Tasty Dish: Spaghetti Squash Spaghetti
Last Friday night I finally used my Spaghetti Squash to make some spaghetti noodles.
The verdict: It was DELICIOUS!
How to make:
Spaghetti Squash Spaghetti Noodles
- Take your squash and poke holes into it. I used a skewer and poked about 10 holes in each side.
- Microwave the squash for 4-5 minutes and then flip it over and microwave it for another 4-5 minutes.
- Cut the squash in half and scrape out the seeds.
-Take fork and scrape the insides of the squash, this should come out looking like little noodles.
Spaghetti Sauce
-Brown 1 lb. ground hamburger or turkey. I used turkey because it leaner and I could have more of it.
-Combine hamburger and a can of whole tomatoes in a pot.
-Add a small can of tomato paste.
-Mash the whole tomatoes in the sauce.
-Add water as needed for desired consistency of sauce. (won't always need water)
-Add oregano, basil, salt, and pepper. (and any other spices you might like)
-Simmer on low for at least 30 minutes. (I like to simmer for as long as possible, up to 2 hours)
I love making my own spaghetti sauce because you can make sure there isn't any added sugar, although- when not on plan I do like to add a little sugar to the recipe.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Happy 9th Birthday Bailee!!!!
A little over 9 years ago I looked like this:
Roughly 2-3 weeks later, I looked like this (after getting the epidural):
And the very next morning, this was my reward:
I am the proudest mama there is. I love this little girl more than I could possibly imagine! She is my angel, and my bestest friend.
I hope you have a great birthday Bailee!! Know that Mama loves you the mostest!!
Roughly 2-3 weeks later, I looked like this (after getting the epidural):
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I am the proudest mama there is. I love this little girl more than I could possibly imagine! She is my angel, and my bestest friend.
I hope you have a great birthday Bailee!! Know that Mama loves you the mostest!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
My best friend: George Foreman
This little machine is the love of my life. He's been a part of me for just about 9 years now and has been by my side through every diet. He is quick and easy (not what she said..haha) and cooks my meat leanly, and efficiently. Lately I use him about 3 times a week for my quick and easy turkey burgers. MMM MMM and MMMMMMMM!!!
Monday, July 23, 2012
I had a fabulous time with my family for my Grandmas bday yesterday in Park City.
Read all about it here: http://ejbwray.blogspot.com/2012/07/chicago.html?m=1
Read all about it here: http://ejbwray.blogspot.com/2012/07/chicago.html?m=1
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
I bought this today and can't wait to cook it up and try it out this week! Hopefully tomorrow!
I'll let you know if it's good.
I bought this today and can't wait to cook it up and try it out this week! Hopefully tomorrow!
I'll let you know if it's good.
Oh how it'd be to go at least a whole MONTH without getting sick!
Wishful thinking?
At least this time it wasn't the pukeys...
I came down Saturday afternoon with a scratchy throat and was extremely exhausted. On Sunday I felt worse and slept pretty much most of the day. I stayed on plan, but all I wanted was some comfort food that Medifast wasn't going to provide.
Monday morning I got up for work and hopped in the shower and just couldn't stop coughing or really keep my eyes open. And I had no energy to really wash myself. It was time to admit that I caught a bug. Bummer.
I tried my hardest to just stick to Medifast and not go off plan, but my body was so weak and I felt so awful and was craving comfort food so bad.
I ended up giving in on Monday evening and yesterday. But hey! I am back to work again today and back on plan!
Sometimes you can't be perfect all the time. Sometimes you do have to listen to your body. My body was telling me I needed something to help me get better, and it worked.
I decided not to get mad at myself for going off plan, as long as I jumped right back on when I felt better.
However, I felt soooooo icky eating foods that I haven't eaten in a month! Last night I was dying trying to sleep. I was sooooo uncomfortable!! Processed foods, high carbohydrates, and dairy are obviously not good for you for a reason.
I am happy to be back on plan and am going to kick it into high gear as I did when I first began. Making sure I weigh EVERYTHING I eat for my L&G and keeping an eye on my snacks and condiments.
Also, next week (once I get my body used to being back on Medifast full-time) I will begin an exercise plan. Of course I plan to start very slow... But, I'm hoping it'll help!
By the way... Yesterday was the start of 4 weeks on this plan! I'm so happy!!
At least this time it wasn't the pukeys...
I came down Saturday afternoon with a scratchy throat and was extremely exhausted. On Sunday I felt worse and slept pretty much most of the day. I stayed on plan, but all I wanted was some comfort food that Medifast wasn't going to provide.
Monday morning I got up for work and hopped in the shower and just couldn't stop coughing or really keep my eyes open. And I had no energy to really wash myself. It was time to admit that I caught a bug. Bummer.
I tried my hardest to just stick to Medifast and not go off plan, but my body was so weak and I felt so awful and was craving comfort food so bad.
I ended up giving in on Monday evening and yesterday. But hey! I am back to work again today and back on plan!
Sometimes you can't be perfect all the time. Sometimes you do have to listen to your body. My body was telling me I needed something to help me get better, and it worked.
I decided not to get mad at myself for going off plan, as long as I jumped right back on when I felt better.
However, I felt soooooo icky eating foods that I haven't eaten in a month! Last night I was dying trying to sleep. I was sooooo uncomfortable!! Processed foods, high carbohydrates, and dairy are obviously not good for you for a reason.
I am happy to be back on plan and am going to kick it into high gear as I did when I first began. Making sure I weigh EVERYTHING I eat for my L&G and keeping an eye on my snacks and condiments.
Also, next week (once I get my body used to being back on Medifast full-time) I will begin an exercise plan. Of course I plan to start very slow... But, I'm hoping it'll help!
By the way... Yesterday was the start of 4 weeks on this plan! I'm so happy!!
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
I am still on a plateau... which is still extremely frustrating. But, I am continuing on and hoping that it'll get better.
Yesterday was my first time going out to eat. I was so nervous that I was going to be too tempted and give in to what I really wanted to eat. (carbs!) But, I was sooooo good! We went to Texas Roadhouse and I ordered a steak with a small side salad, dressing on the side, and steamed broccoli. I had them bring me a 'to-go' box as soon as my food came out so that I could cut it in half and not be tempted to eat the whole thing in one setting.
I can't believe how easy this diet is now. Now if only I'd get off this plateau!!!
I will be doing my measurements tomorrow morning- I know that I haven't budged in weight, but my clothes are getting a little too big in some areas so I know I'm at least losing inches! :D
Yesterday was my first time going out to eat. I was so nervous that I was going to be too tempted and give in to what I really wanted to eat. (carbs!) But, I was sooooo good! We went to Texas Roadhouse and I ordered a steak with a small side salad, dressing on the side, and steamed broccoli. I had them bring me a 'to-go' box as soon as my food came out so that I could cut it in half and not be tempted to eat the whole thing in one setting.
I can't believe how easy this diet is now. Now if only I'd get off this plateau!!!
I will be doing my measurements tomorrow morning- I know that I haven't budged in weight, but my clothes are getting a little too big in some areas so I know I'm at least losing inches! :D
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Turkey Burger heaven!!!!
So.. Last night I made this scrumptious turkey burger than tasted soooooo sinful!
I am making it AGAIN tonight!
I took pictures and will share this delicacy tomorrow.
By the way, it is MMM MMM MMMMMMMM good!!
I am making it AGAIN tonight!
I took pictures and will share this delicacy tomorrow.
By the way, it is MMM MMM MMMMMMMM good!!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Sincerely, Frustrated
This past weekend has been the hardest since starting this program. Infact, this past week has been extremely trying.
I haven't budged a pound down in a week... However, I have gained 3. I haven't been cheating or anything. So something isn't going right.
I am extremely frustrated beyond words. I'm ready to throw in the towel.
I talked to my health coach and have started a couple new things to see if it'd help... So far, nothing.
I don't get it.
I want to scream, I want to cry, I want to murder my scale!!
This just isn't fair!!
One happy note, I was able to fit into some work pants this morning that I was too chubby to the past few months...
I'm fuming-
I haven't budged a pound down in a week... However, I have gained 3. I haven't been cheating or anything. So something isn't going right.
I am extremely frustrated beyond words. I'm ready to throw in the towel.
I talked to my health coach and have started a couple new things to see if it'd help... So far, nothing.
I don't get it.
I want to scream, I want to cry, I want to murder my scale!!
This just isn't fair!!
One happy note, I was able to fit into some work pants this morning that I was too chubby to the past few months...
I'm fuming-
Saturday, July 7, 2012
That word sums me up to the T.
I am so impatient! I want overnight results and hate waiting.
I have to keep reminding myself that loosing weight, getting fit, and being healthy is a slow process.
I wish I had more patience.
I am so impatient! I want overnight results and hate waiting.
I have to keep reminding myself that loosing weight, getting fit, and being healthy is a slow process.
I wish I had more patience.
Friday, July 6, 2012
4th of July
Here is my hun and I walking a mile to watch the fireworks. I am not going to lie, I have hundreds + pounds to loose, but I felt sexy.
I mean, I look much sexier than I have in years!
The fourth of July was a milestone for me.
I got up, got ready, put on a nice dress, did my hair, did my makeup, and went out.
I felt confident and just rocked my confidence.
All that matters is I felt comfortable out and wasn't embarrassed being myself.
I mean, I look much sexier than I have in years!
The fourth of July was a milestone for me.
I got up, got ready, put on a nice dress, did my hair, did my makeup, and went out.
I felt confident and just rocked my confidence.
All that matters is I felt comfortable out and wasn't embarrassed being myself.
Time to post my NSV for this week. And I have not one, but TWO victories to post about.
1) I did my weekly measurements today after work (I should do them in the mornings from now on to be more accurate). I am down 4.75 inches. :D
2) Today was the first day that people noticed I have lost a little weight.
Nothing too big on either, but enough to make me happy and keep me going.
1) I did my weekly measurements today after work (I should do them in the mornings from now on to be more accurate). I am down 4.75 inches. :D
2) Today was the first day that people noticed I have lost a little weight.
Nothing too big on either, but enough to make me happy and keep me going.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Going out
The Mr. Talked me into getting up, getting dressed, and walking down the the festivities.
Hope they are up to par...
Hope they are up to par...
Self Portrait
Forgive the grainy, no-makeup image.
This is me, laying on the couch, watching a Matrix movie marathon with my lover.
Hiiiii everybody!!!!
This is me, laying on the couch, watching a Matrix movie marathon with my lover.
Hiiiii everybody!!!!
Happy 4th everyone!!
I hope you all are enjoying your holiday with your friends and family. Be safe!
I'm still ill with the flu, so what was supposed to be a fun day on the lake, has now turned into a boring day on the couch. Hopefully I'll be feeling better to wander out and at least watch the fireworks later.
Happy Holiday!!
Here's a picture of my daughter and I on the 4th 2 years ago...
I'm still ill with the flu, so what was supposed to be a fun day on the lake, has now turned into a boring day on the couch. Hopefully I'll be feeling better to wander out and at least watch the fireworks later.
Happy Holiday!!
Here's a picture of my daughter and I on the 4th 2 years ago...
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Day One, Week Three
Today has been an awful day.
I have had the flu, so I haven't been able to eat.
I did weigh in at 12 lbs lost though. Do, hopefully that'll continue!
I spoke with my health coach yesterday and she gave me some tips to try and help. Once I feel better ill get right back to it.
While I'm fluish, I still won't be cheating. I'm committed to this diet 100%.
I have had the flu, so I haven't been able to eat.
I did weigh in at 12 lbs lost though. Do, hopefully that'll continue!
I spoke with my health coach yesterday and she gave me some tips to try and help. Once I feel better ill get right back to it.
While I'm fluish, I still won't be cheating. I'm committed to this diet 100%.
Monday, July 2, 2012
When you are loyal to your diet don't you expect to see results? Uhmmmm, yeah- me too.
I haven't eaten anything off plan since 2 weeks ago.
I keep teetering between 9 and 12 pounds lost. It's extremely annoying. I hit that 12 pound mark and then the next day my weight was back up. I don't get it?!! If I'm going to put forth my will power, then c'mon! Not having results makes me want to drive on down to Olive Garden and stuff my face with breadsticks and pasta.
I haven't eaten anything off plan since 2 weeks ago.
I keep teetering between 9 and 12 pounds lost. It's extremely annoying. I hit that 12 pound mark and then the next day my weight was back up. I don't get it?!! If I'm going to put forth my will power, then c'mon! Not having results makes me want to drive on down to Olive Garden and stuff my face with breadsticks and pasta.
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